Aloha to all, thanks for checking in. Also, much thanks for all of the nice Facebook and Instagram comments. We are hoping to step up our website blogging as we get more settled in our new Big Island home.
Jan and I were looking back recently at the last year and how quickly it has blown by. The general feeling was that it was a period of readjusting, feeling out the “lay of the land” and the discovery of new people as well as increasing new entries to our “special” places list. We had always felt that Kauai was tough to beat but as we explore, the Big Island is becoming a close second. In many ways it feels like it could actually surpass Kauai. Of course both are uniquely special in their own ways.
Our one year anniversary on the Big Island moved us into an energizing new mindset, as we move past the adjusting and reacting stages and slowly slide into the potential that a new home brings. The fact that Jan and I have retirement on the horizon doesn’t hurt either. We don’t have an exact date but that isn’t stopping us from dreaming of the days filled with the pursuits of our choosing. Although I’m sure there will be days where my dream might be sidetracked by Jan’s dream for me! And vice versa, I’m sure. One of the top desires for Jan and I is to prioritize the time put towards our art work. Not only the added time for it but a new art studio to facilitate it all. A note to all aspiring artists. I can’t over emphasize the value of having a dedicated space to create. Having the option (and space) of having multiple projects going as well as being able to walk away from projects at the end of the day and step right back in the next, and hardly skip a beat, is an incredible boost to productivity, flow and psyche.
There has been many a day that I questioned my career choice as a construction contractor, but the carpentry skills I learned have been a blessing not only with house remodeling projects, but how the art studio will come together in just the way Jan and I are wanting it to feel. I don’t consider myself a Feng Shui guru but I do understand that great spaces have a certain something that maximizes the feeling of beckoning you to enter, a certain energy flow that enhances creativity and the comfort of being present. Okay don’t want to sound too airy fairy, but I’m think that most of you get it, even though everyone's preference will vary. I’m sure that we will be able to get some photos out within the year. But for those of you that can visualize, we are talking a 16’x24’ structure fully screened and surrounded by forest on 3 sides. Always shaded and cool. I expect that we will spend as much time in the studio as the main house. You can bet that the finer points of our last studio will be applied with this one.

Okay, got the art production side of things kind of mapped out. Now all we gotta do is find loving homes for them. I wish that I could say this was the easy part, but all but the most successful artist have their issues with this part of the process. I honestly feel that the art that Jan and I have produced over the years has had pretty broad appeal. Most of the times we have approached gallery owners we have presented ourselves as an “artist couple”. Most all galleries have been happy to take on the 2 for 1 deal. One current exception is Jan’s solo entry into the prestigious Volcano Art Center. It is located in the Volcano National Park/Big Island. Quite a few people go through there. Especially when a volcano is active. She has only been there for a few months but is starting to make her mark. That’s my wife!!
I’m going to go ahead and sign off now. We are currently pursuing representation in several new galleries. Good responses so far! Also not ruling out a new Hashi’s Fine Art Gallery at some point! Our next blog will get you up to speed on how these things are developing.
Mahalo, Steve
Time Flys,